2022年10月30日(日)10:30~23:59(予定) 赤-005/Release Hallucination
M3オンラインSHOP(メロンブックス エアイベント)では音楽CDとANIMA関連グッズを取り扱います。
M3オンラインの開催期間中”Release Hallucination BOOTH“ではデジタル版音源に加え、1st Single~2nd Albumのオリジナルタペストリーが再登場。こちらは”エアコミケ2″の復刻グッズで今回もスエードとダブルスエードをお選びいただけます。またオリジナルタペストリーはFANBOX特別価格もご用意がございます。後日FANBOX内で限定公開される専用URLからお求めください。
スエード¥5,500 ⇒ ¥5,000 ダブルスエード¥7,150 ⇒¥6,650
“M3 ONLINE” would be held.
This time, Release Hallucination will be exhibiting its products at the M3 online store, which will sell not only CDs but also other merchandise usually sold only at the event.
Melonbooks has partnered with this online event, and international shipping is available through tenso service.
And, the tapestries designed based on our CD jackets available on available on “Release Hallucination BOOTH”.
These are limited time made-to-order products that will be made through the pixivFACTORY service so it depends 3-4 weeks to deliver.
The price is 5,500JPY for suede material. And 7,150JPY for double suede material.
They can be delivered overseas if you use a forwarding service(Tenso-com、BUYEE、任你购).
If you are a Premium or higher supporter of Release Hallucination pixivFANBOX (https://relehall.fanbox.cc/), you can save 500yen per product(We will announce the URL for supporters only in FANBOX).
The images are just samples which are previewed finished images and may differ from the actual product.
Of course you can get the digital version of Release Hallucination works.